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Though we are still working to get this project off the ground, we already have planned the different types of activities we will use to help the kids get the support they need, why ARTSY is different from other similar programs, and the ideal final product.


We created activities with specific goals. One, for example, focuses on getting the kids to realize that they did have happy moments before the disaster. Another, for example, focuses on getting the kids to remember that they still have someone loving them- their friends, family, etc.- and that there are still people for them to love. These are the types of activities that will get the kids to get out of this stage of depression after a natural disaster.

Why ARTSY Is Different

Yes, we've done our research. There are other types of programs that use art in a post-disaster program. ARTSY is different. This is because ARTSY is using a mix of art and a few active activities with specific goals so that ARTSY becomes something to help the kids throughout their lives, even though it may just be a once-a-week, four weeks program. And not only does it benefit the kids, it helps the teen mentors from the local high schools to gain leadership skills and maybe even get the relief and support they need post-disaster.

The Ideal Final Product

The final program is to be a program that runs like an after-school club model that starts at 4:00p p.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. The target population are students in grades pre-K through 3rd grade who range in age from 4 to 9 years old to participate in clubs and teenage mentors ages 14-17 to run the clubs. The location of ARTSY will be at one of the available schools once it is operational. ARTSY would partner with high schools and agencies such as Save the Children. ARTSY would gain recognition through the use of flyers, Facebook, videos, and through the schools. In conclusion, ARTSY’s main objective is to provide an opportunity for young kids who are emotionally distressed as a result of natural disasters a safe haven and in a fun way, express their emotions. For the blueprint, click the link below.


ARTSY- the program

2001 Leon C. Simon Dr., New Orleans, LA

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